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Waterloo 1815 (Revised Edition)
Geoff Wootten
Cena okładkowa: 13.99 GBP
Cena detaliczna: 59.00 zł
Wydawnictwo: OSPREY
Seria: Campaign
Wymiary: 248 x 184mm
ISBN: 9781841761329
Data publikacji: 0000-00-00
Waterloo holds a special place among the great battles of history. The climax and decisive conclusion of more than twenty years of war, it was indeed a close-run affair, matching two of the world’s greatest generals – Napoleon and Wellington. This volume covers the entire campaign including the battles of Quatre Bras, Ligny and Wavre, with five full-colour maps and three highly detailed bird’s eye views showing decisive moments in the action. Geoffrey Wootten shows how such factors as Napoleon’s ill health, the weather and the difficulties of sending and receiving messages in the confusion of war were crucial to the eventual outcome of Waterloo. The events of the day are narrated and these show beyond all doubt the brilliant success of disciplined British mass-firepower against the charges of the French. The book also pays attention to other Allied armies, including Dutch/Belgian troops brought to the field by Prince William of Orange and the Prussians under Blucher. Excellent colour plates accompany the descriptions of both these troops and their French counterparts. An excellent sense of the closeness of the battle is given – Wellington himself claimed that it was “the nearest thing you ever saw in your life” – and this gripping account shows the full justice of that statement.

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