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Soldier of the Pharaoh
Middle Kingdom Egypt 2055–1650 BC

Nic Fields
Cena okładkowa: 11.99 GBP
Cena detaliczna: 59.00 zł
Wydawnictwo: OSPREY
Seria: Warrior
Wymiary: 248 x 184mm
ISBN: 9781846031069
Data publikacji: 2007-11-10
"""The army returned safe and sound, it had ravaged and flattened the land of the bedu… slain their troops by the tens of thousand, and carried off many of their warrior as captives.""

The Pharaohs of Egypt have captured the imagination of readers throughout the ages. Their existence and power have almost taken on a mythical status. In this book, Nic Fields reveals the truth behind these myths and explores the lives of the ordinary soldiers who defended the mighty Egyptian Empire during the Middle Kingdom period. Using rare artifacts and ancient sources he pieces together the day-to-day existence of the Pharaoh’s army from archers, to hand-to-hand fighters, through to the ""sole-companions"" of the Pharaoh. He discusses their dual tactics on sea and land, and their weapons of war, as well as their lack of body armour.
Quoting from contemporary documents he narrates the battles on land and at sea in dramatic detail, including their daring raids into Nubia, led by their ""warrior-king"", Senusret III. Whilst all the time providing the reader with a rare insight into the minutiae of the soldier’s life in ancient Egypt: from the food he ate through to their religious beliefs embodied by the cult of the ""king of the gods"", Amun, and their worship of the Pharaoh. This book is a delight for any reader interested in the realities behind the mysterious soldiers of the Pharaoh.

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