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Panzers in Winter
Hitler’s Army and the Battle of the Bulge

Samuel W. Mitcham Jr.
Cena okładkowa: 14.50 GBP
Cena detaliczna: 65.00 zł
Wymiary: 22.6 x 15.2 x 1.5 cm
Ilość stron: 240
ISBN: 9780811734561
Data publikacji: 2008-01-00
Opis w j. angielskim:

Before dawn on December 16, 1944, German forces rolled through the icy Ardennes in their last major offensive on the Western Front. Catching the Allies--predominantly Americans, in what they believed was a “quiet” sector--by surprise, the Germans made early gains, but Allied counterattacks combined with German fuel shortages and mounting casualties forced the German Army into a retreat from which it never recovered.

About the Author:
Samuel W. Mitcham Jr. is the author of numerous books on World War II, including The German Defeat in the East (978-0-8117-3371-7), Retreat to the Reich (978-0-8117-3384-7), The Panzer Legions (978-0-8117-3353-3), and Rommel’s Desert War (978-0-8117-3413-4). He lives in Louisiana.

Photos: 27 b/w photos
Maps: 14 maps

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