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English Longbowman 1330–1515
Clive Bartlett
Cena okładkowa: 11.99 GBP
Cena detaliczna: 59.00 zł
Wydawnictwo: OSPREY
Seria: Warrior
Wymiary: 248 x 184mm
ISBN: 9781855324916
Data publikacji: 1995-05-15
"The English military ascendancy which lasted from the mid-14th to the early 15th century was founded upon defensive tactics based on the use of the longbow. This weapon, distinctive in that it was used by English forces alone, was probably the most effective missile weapon of the Late Middle Ages: its arrow had the same penetrative ability as a modern day bullet and the bow’s rate of fire was not equalled by any weapon used by English forces until the adoption of the Lee Enfield rifle at the beginning of the 20th century. So formidable was its performance that the French actually refused, by and large, to engage English forces in the open field between 1360 and 1400. It was crucial in the winning of such famous and influential battles as Halidon Hill (1333), Cr?cy (1346), Poitiers (1356) and, most famously, Agincourt (1415). Its eventual obsolescence and withdrawal from the 16th century onwards was due to the increasing use of firearms

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