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Aztecs and Conquistadores
The Spanish Invasion and the Collapse of the Aztec Empire

John Pohl • Charles M Robinson III
Cena okładkowa: 17.99 GBP
Cena detaliczna: 65.00 zł
Wydawnictwo: OSPREY
Seria: General Military
Wymiary: 255 x 190mm
ISBN: 9781841769349
Data publikacji: 2005-10-12
The Spanish conquest of Mexico was the most remarkable military expedition in history, and in achieving it Hernan Cortes proved himself one of the greatest generals of all time. This book explores the background of the Aztec Empire, and of the Spanish presence in Mexico. It describes the life of the Aztecs in their glittering capital and of the Europeans who learned to adapt and survive in an alien and often dangerous world. The invasion was a war between civilisations, pitting the fatalism and obsessive ritual of the Aztecs againt soldiers fighting for riches, their lives and eventually their souls.

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