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Kategoria tematyczna: MILITARIA

TytułAutor Wydawnictwo Cena okładkowaCena
Amtracs US Amphibious Assault Vehicles Steven ZalogaOSPREY 9.99 GBP49.00 zł
An Illustrated Encyclopedia of Military Uniforms of the 19th Century: An Expert Guide to the American Civil War, the Boer War, the Wars of German and Italian Unification and the Colonial Wars Digby Smith, Kevin KileyAnness Publishing 16.99 GBP79.00 zł
An Illustrated Encyclopedia of: Uniforms From 1775-1783 American Revolution: An expert in-depth reference on the armies of the War of the Independence in North America, 1775-1783 Kevin F. Kiley, Digby SmithAnness Publishing 19.99 GBP99.00 zł
An Illustrated Encyclopedia: Uniforms of the Napoleonic Wars: campaign maps; Provides an unrivalled source of visual information on the fighting men of the period Digby George Smith, Jeremy BlackAnness Publishing 16.99 GBP79.00 zł
An Intro to Civil War Small Arms Earl J. Coates, Dean S. ThomasThomas Publications 8.95 $49.00 zł
AN OSPREY MILITARY ODYSSEY by various artists OSPREY 14.99 GBP10.00 zł
Ancient and Medieval Modelling Peter ArmstrongOSPREY 19.99 GBP73.00 zł
Ancient Armies of the Middle East Terence WiseOSPREY 9.99 GBP49.00 zł
Ancient Chinese Armies 1500–200 BC CJ PeersOSPREY 9.99 GBP49.00 zł
Ancient Greek Coins V2: Parts 5-10, Syracuse (1902) Frank Sherman BensonKessinger Publishing Company 18.00 GBP73.00 zł
Ancient Greek Fortifications 500–300 BC Nic FieldsOSPREY 11.99 GBP55.00 zł
Ancient Greek Warship Nic FieldsOSPREY 9.99 GBP49.00 zł
Ancient Israel at War 853–586 BC Brad KelleOSPREY 10.99 GBP49.00 zł
Ancient Siege Warfare Duncan B CampbellOSPREY 11.99 GBP55.00 zł
Anglo-Saxon Thegn AD 449-1066 Mark HarrisonOSPREY 9.99 GBP10.00 zł
Anglo-Saxon Thegn AD 449–1066 Mark HarrisonOSPREY 11.99 GBP59.00 zł
Anglo-Saxon Weapons and Warfare Richard UnderwoodHISTORY PRESS 17.99 GBP79.00 zł
Anti-Aircraft Artillery Ian V. HoggCROWOOD PRESS 19.95 GBP92.00 zł
Anti-tank Helicopters Steven ZalogaOSPREY 8.99 GBP10.00 zł
Antietam William A. FrassanitoThomas Publications 15.95 $69.00 zł

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